Yaron Eliav got his grant, Bill DeYoung did not. BIll is reworking his proposal and will apply for an internal grant at the SOMTD.
I am part of 2 grant proposals submitted to the UM's Teaching and Learning for the Third Century (TLTC) grant program.
The primary faculty member for the first one is Bill De Young of the Dance Dept. He wants to produce an enhanced eBook that will help him teach dance students. He is very good at many of the3 technical aspects of dancing, but he also has a lot to say about what he calls "The Path of the Dance Artist". You can download a PDF of Bill's grant proposal here.
Here are a few shots of Bill and some student dancers during a test shoot at the end of the Fall 2013 term. We shot this so we would have some footage to work with to determine how we might want to shoot the dancers for various parts of the eBook. This footage lets us explore chromakey, motion tracking, and motion capture.
The motion capture system in front of the green screen. |
Bill working with one of the dancers. |
Another view as Bill works with the dancers. |
The primary faculty member for the second one is Yaron Eliav of the Near Eastern Studies Dept. He teaches the history of the ancient lands of Israel/Palestine and has come up with a very interesting way to better engage his students.
He has been working with LSA's LRC to set up a number of enhanced web resources, with highly tagged images,movies and readings. I got involved when they were looking for a way to create virtual versions of objects at the Kelsey museum. Students were going to be able to handle the actual objects but would need to be able to refer to them throughout the term for various assignments.
We ended up creating both Quicktime VR photo-based models as well as 3D versions using Autodesk 123DCatch, an free online app.
I have also proposed presenting this work at this year's New Media Consortium conference in June. Dr. Justin Winger, also working with the project, would present with me.
A meeting at the end of the Fall 2013 term of the team working with Yaron. |
Todd Austin of LSA-ISS talks to Arkady (from Russia) and Yaron in the Duderstadt Center's video conference suite. |
ANother view, showing more of what the suite looks like. |
More on these grants as they develop.
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